Saturday, October 17, 2009

Judaism allows sodomy

I know what your thinking, does the title really mean what it says or is it just an attention grabber and going to talk about something else? Answer is yes. It means what it means. Shamefully, a lot of Muslims are unaware of the history and ideology of other religions. We learn about Islam in school but we seize to learn about Christianity and Judaism. I am only 22 years old, but I spent the last 3 years studying all Abrahamic religions (mainly Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) recognizing the same origin and all the similarities. However, when it comes to the differences i am more intrigued. As we all know, anal sex is haraam in Islam. More than one hadith is issued on the subject and it’s considered a grave sin. HOWEVER, after watching an episode of family guy which peter thinking he is Jewish says sodomy is allowed in his newfound religion I went and checked it out. EVERY single source I found in every website or religious help site states that ANAL sex, if desired by both sides is allowed and welcomed in Judaism. Hmmmm…now seeing that all three religions share basically the same views about historical prophets before Moses, the story of Lot holds constant in all three. He went to a bunch of homosexuals who had anal sex with guys, they didn’t listen and god’s punishment fell upon them. So I started asking a rabbi some questions.

Like for instance, how come anal sex was a taboo for Jews 30 years ago and is allowed now? And shockingly this was his reply. He told me that 30 years ago anal sex was a taboo for everyone, and condemned morally wrong by almost everyone, now that it is more common and talked about, and Jewish people are asking about it, we started looking it up and there is no evidence that it is not allowed in Judaism. So as long as both partners are enjoy it, its fine. When I asked him about the tribe of Lot he told me that that’s different, it was between men. Now here what I am thinking, if anal sex was forbidden and looked down upon and considered a taboo for more than 2000 years, don’t you think it was for a reason? Maybe because in all religions it haram? Keeping in mind the Jewish religion has the most number of books dealing with practice and habits of early rabbi’s and scholars. Nothing on anal sex? Its been practiced all over Greek and roman mythology before Moses and still nothing is mentioned against it? Honestly I refuse to judge. I give props to that rabbi for he has opened my eyes to a lot of things. Like for instance, religion is adaptable to all times, because anal sex is common and wanted by modern day Jews it should not be forbidden, so in 30 years, if Jews pick up a habit of rape and start to like it, who are rabbi’s to tell them not to?

I’m not a hater; I just tell it like it is.


  1. Just because you found one rabbi's interpretation to be unjust doesn't mean that that rabbi is right. Perhaps he doesn't really represent Judaism.

  2. haha..well said!!! MashAllah

  3. Judaism has no Imam, no Pope no one unified court. Jews live by the Torah (first five books of the Bible). It is considered a living document that is open to interpretation and anything that is alive does. In the Torah it said if a man lies with a man as he does a woman it is wrong. Anal sex between the sexes is not mentioned. It also says witches must be killed, as well as those that violate the Sabbath. Traditional Jews believes sodomy is a sin, so do other believers in other Jewish groups. On the other hand some do not. In Judaism we allow disagreement since only G-d has all the answers. Your rabbi was no doubt a Liberal Conservative, a Reform, a Reconstructionist or Renewal Rabbi.

  4. You're an idiot. Judaism, in the traditional view outlaws male to male anal sex. But not between a man and woman. Even if most Jews don't have a problem with consensual male-male anal sex, that's a big difference from rape where there is no consent and your taking away her rights. The people who speak out most vocally against homosexuality usually turn out the be the gayest.

  5. The answer the Rabbi gives depends heavily on what movement of Judaism he's a part of. If I asked a liberal Ahmadiyah Imam about something and he gave a very liberal answer, would you like it if I said that his answer represents all of Islam??? It's the same case here, I'm fairly sure the Rabbi you asked was Reform or Reconstructionist or Conservative(which is actually quite liberal) Jewish. If you want the actual view of Jewish Law then only ask an Orthodox Rabbi.
